zenith angle

美 [ˈziːnɪθ ˈæŋɡl]英 [ˈzenɪθ ˈæŋɡl]
  • 网络天顶角;太阳天顶角
zenith anglezenith angle
  1. As expected , the measured brightness temperatures change with view zenith angle , view azimuth angle , and the Sun position .


  2. Some results of high energy cosmic ray , such as the zenith angle distribution , the decay length in the air , the energy spectrum and the vertical intensity of hadron and γ - ray have been presented .


  3. Dependence of infrared emissivity on view zenith angle for natural ground surfaces


  4. The results show that the detectable stellar magnitude limits linearly increase with observing height and solar zenith angle .


  5. G silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper were made within the - 15 ° - 55 ° of reflectance zenith angle .


  6. The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Solar incident angle , especially zenith angle can change the shape of BRDF .


  7. When the sun zenith angle is small , a less angular sampling interval in zenith angle is needed in the hot spot area .


  8. Daily variations of UV B radiation are greatly controlled by the solar zenith angle ( SZA ), ozone and the sky conditions .


  9. Along with the increase of the zenith angle and height above ground of an optical transmitter , the extent of the time-averaging effect decreases .


  10. The main leaf zenith angle distributions were horizontal and the most leaf azimuth angles were leaning to the south . Application of Azimuth in Orienteering


  11. In the condition of higher percentage of the direct sunlight , the difference of the mean cosine of different zenith angle is inversed with the wind speed .


  12. The scattering phase function is represented by means of the analytic Henyey-Green stein function with an asymmetry factor dependent on the incident zenith angle .


  13. Base on these calculations and the surface meteorological parameters , the local year and month correction models of dry delay at the zenith angle of 0 are established by statistical methods .


  14. The analysis of spherically layering calculated results shows that the variation of atmospheric path delay ( especially wet term ) with zenith angle obeys well the secant law .


  15. In this paper , based on the analysis of these characteristics , attenuation and turbulence models are established , and the dependence of slant path link on the zenith angle is discussed .


  16. The solutions describe stokes intensity as a function of inter pulse spacing , distance and zenith angle in a uniform medium and in nonuniform medium ( atmosphere ) .


  17. Albedo is bigger over Gobi site than that over Oasis site . Variation of albedo with solar zenith angle is mainly caused by near-infrared albedo .


  18. As illustrated in our sensitivity study and demonstrated in real measurements , the transmittance ratio at selected wavelengths is insensitive to solar zenith angle and major atmospheric gaseous absorption .


  19. On the ' hot spot ', the NDVI is minimum , and it will increase around the ' hot spot ' with the increase of view azimuth or solar zenith angle ;


  20. When the water surface is not in thermal stabilization and the view zenith angle is less than 60 ° the angular dependency of water emissivity does not appear in the field measurements .


  21. When using a single reference to measure the bi-directional scattering distribution function ( BSDF ), the incident zenith angle of the tested sample must be identical to that of the reference .


  22. The required input to the parameterization includes precipitable water , concentration of carbon dioxide amount , ozone amount , cloud amount , cloud visible optical depth , solar zenith angle and surface albedo .


  23. The distribution of the starting point depths of the observed showers is given . The zenith angle distribution , vertical intensity , energy spectrum and attenuation length of hadrons in air and in iron are presented .


  24. There exist negative correlation between the optical thickness of effective radiation layer and the droplet effective radius near cloud top , solar zenith angle and satellite zenith angle , not obvious for the relative azimuth angle .


  25. The effects of the atmospheric refraction index structure constant , zenith angle , focal distance , beam topological charge , turbulence outer scale , etc. on the intensity distribution and spatial coherence on the receiver were studied for above-mentioned different types of beams with detail .


  26. When the AOD value is greater than 1 with high solar zenith angle (> 60 °), the relative error can reach-40 % . Satellite observations are an effective way to provide a regional coverage of aerosol optical depth and monitor the occurrence and evolution of dust storm .


  27. For the moderately degraded grasslands , if plant crown height-to-width ratio ( chw ) was invariant , when 45 °≤ solar zenith angle ( sza )≤ 75 °, no significant differences occurred in scene reflectance ( R ) for different plant crown shapes ;


  28. In this paper , experimental formulae of the critical frequencies of the E-layer in mid-latitudes and of the distribution of electron density in the lower ionosphere are found . These formulae are expressed in terms of the sunspots number , the solar zenith angle and the local time .
